Last night was Institute. I LOVE institute! It is like the best thing that has happened to me. I look forward to it every week...Thank you dad for forcing me to go.
This week we talked about the first 22 of chapters in Numbers in the Bible. It mostly talks about the pride cycle. Anyways, I loved it. It was just want I needed. In Numbers 21:1-9 it talks about a serpent sent to the people from God because they sinned, and so the people go to Moses and are like help us we don't know what to do we have sinned and now all of our people are dying. So Moses got one of the serpents and put them on top of a pole and told the people all they needed to do is look up and they would be saved. And some people did and others didn't.
Then we got into a class discussion and we were talking about when we are going through trials and we pray for help. And most of the times we expect our answer to be something really difficult to do or like a long process. But, when our answer is something easy we are like no...this isn't right; there has to be something else; I cannot just look to a pole and be saved. But some times it is the Lord who is just testing us to see if we will follow what he says no matter how hard or easy it may seem.
Brother Bohn, my institute teacher, said we need to stop eating the Hater Tots and drinking the Hater Aid and start enjoying the Happy Meals of life. There
IS always hope. He said it is okay to feel bad when things aren't going as well as they have in the past. But then you can pray to be happy again, to help see your path more clearly, to help your back strengthened so that you can keep going on this path of life.
I know when times get hard, that it is for a reason. When we learn that earlier on that it will make the trial more bearable to know that Heavenly Father is on our side. And Christ already paid the price for all our burdens.