Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Did you know that when you wear a headband it means you are a Princess? The boys told me that every time I wore one. Then they would try it on and I would say something along the lines of 'Oh my what a beautiful Princess you are.' Then they would all pass the head band around being Princess as we laughed. (They know they are Princes. Just so you know)
Monday, May 14, 2012
OF COURSE I will. I had not seen my cousins in like 4 plus months. That is a long time for me! We got there on Thursday night and just had dinner and hung out.
On friday we kicked the day off with visiting Sister Hamilton. I LOVE this lady. We talked about the goods. Aka boys, Africa, school and so much more. After we went shopping and out to eat. It was just a super chill day.
On Saturday we dropped by Elder Parker Millers home. He just served in my singles ward and we brought him his guitars and amp. It was fun hearing his dad tell us stories about him when he was younger. I am sure he was mortified.
That night we went to visit our elder in Kenya's family. They were SO SO great. The dinner was the funniest thing I have ever been to. He is a blessed soul for being able to have such loving parents.
This is Robert Garbett. He also just came home from his mission. He was with his family for less then 24 hours when he made a choice to come play with my family for the weekend. Who knows why he did but all I know is that it was fun and I am sure he thinks we are CRAZY.
Elder Jesse Wynn also just got home. So I went with Sarah to his homecoming talk. It was GREAT.
On the way to Utah we picked up Addies boyfriend, Danial at a random gas station in Reno. He is so nice.
Dear parents you might not want to read this. At the same gas station that we picked up Danial we picked up these 2 wonderful souls and there 2 dogs. They are going all over the states by hopping on trains. They have been doing this for a year. Now they are on there way to Montana (I think) to settle down. She (Rexy, 21) grew up as a member of the church. I feel like she still has a great love for it. And he (Joe, I think 34) is from Virginia. We let her call her mom for Mothers day.
We were an answer to her mothers prayers. I am sure of it. We were suppose to get into Reno 3 hours before we did. But, because the van kept on over heating for some odd reason we could not go as fast as we wanted to and had to take breaks to let the van cool down before we could go on. But the second we left the gas station with them in the car, no more problems with the van. Call us crazy. But it was meant to happen. They were so very nice. If I see them again I would totally help them out. We dropped them off in Auburn where they will catch another train to another fun adventure that lies in front of them.
This trip to Utah was so great I loved it and wish I lived closer.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Oscar and Gabby
One day Oscar and Gabby came to visit us. For lunch we had hamburgers and guacamole.(Gabbys favorite)
Then we went to play football and do magic with the boys before class while listening and dancing to music.

Then we went to play football and do magic with the boys before class while listening and dancing to music.
In class we had a whole bunch of paper, fun shapes, glue, scissors, and coloring crayons so the boys got to make what ever they wanted. It was a lot of fun.
After class we got together the juice and crackers that Oscar and Gabby so kindly brought for the boys. The boys were SO SO SO excited!
After we gave all the boys there juice and cookies, crackers, biscuits what ever you call them...We went to find the older boys who live on there own now for all different reasons. But we went to visit them to find out there stories and what they want to do in life because they have now gone to help build another children's home in Naivasha. (Here is the website, CHECK it. it is going to make a BIG difference! I LOVE these boys so much. They are such troopers and are all younger then 18 and have jobs goals and there own place to live.
Interviewing while Gabby translates
Gabby, Derek, Godfrey, Alex, Megan, Morris, and Oscar (there were more but this is all we could find)
After we bought them a soda just because we love them.
Then we took Oscar and Gabby back to Thika to have dinner and send them on there way. I love being with these boys. Every time is an adventure.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I am a child of God
Today in church we talked about praying and being prayed for. It reminded me of that one time I was in Kenya. Boy oh boy was I really bad a praying there. No excuses. I just would always fall asleep before they would get said. Then I remembered that before the TV got fixed that every night the boys would sing songs as LOUD as they could then break out into prayer and they would all be in Swahili and of course I would not understand a word they were saying. But, I knew that our Heavenly Father knew everything they were saying. The boys would just talk and talk and talkkk about there days. Some of them would really get into it and have tears coming out of there eyes. These boys really believe in God, they have some religion base in there life. Anyways, after they were done praying Megan and I would get up and teach them girls camp songs. They LOVED girls camp songs. Then after that Megan would read books while Bernard translated.
One night we finished reading early and Job (he was in charge of the boys at night) asked us to sing calm songs with the boys. Both Megan and I looked at each other and we were like lets sing "I am a Child of God". So we get up there and sit down and start singing the song and tears fill my eyes while I look down upon the boys and there smiles on there faces just looking up at Megan and I. Right then I realized how precious each and every single one of those boys were to our Father in Heaven and how much he loves us all. Those boys are the BEST boys ever. I would never trade my experiences with them for anything. I am glad that I had the chance to love them as much as I could while I was there.
One night we finished reading early and Job (he was in charge of the boys at night) asked us to sing calm songs with the boys. Both Megan and I looked at each other and we were like lets sing "I am a Child of God". So we get up there and sit down and start singing the song and tears fill my eyes while I look down upon the boys and there smiles on there faces just looking up at Megan and I. Right then I realized how precious each and every single one of those boys were to our Father in Heaven and how much he loves us all. Those boys are the BEST boys ever. I would never trade my experiences with them for anything. I am glad that I had the chance to love them as much as I could while I was there.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Ever day at 2 Megan and I would teach class for the last hour of school. Every day was a different class. Monday was Nursery, Tuesday was Pre-unit, Wednesday class one, Thursday class two, and Friday was class three.
Nursery was a good class. Teacher Hannah would always come and help us translate. Pre-unit was a struggle EVERY TIME. There were 3 boys who just would not listen no matter what we did. Class one was great. Class 2 was by far our favorite. Those boys were just SUCH good listeners. Then class 3 was also a struggle. Who knows why but they all had a hard time listening.
One week in every class we gave them Popsicles. They LOVED them. Class 3 above, and pre-unit below.
Every class we tried to do a learning game and then a fun activity. Every class was different though. Some we would just do an activity. Some we would just get to frustrated and have the boys do there own thing. Sometimes we would do our 'lesson' to fast so we would have to come up with something on the spot. And a lot of the time what we had in mind might have been a little bit difficult so the boys we just confused. I loved class even though most days were not the best, it was still a lot of fun.
Nursery was a good class. Teacher Hannah would always come and help us translate. Pre-unit was a struggle EVERY TIME. There were 3 boys who just would not listen no matter what we did. Class one was great. Class 2 was by far our favorite. Those boys were just SUCH good listeners. Then class 3 was also a struggle. Who knows why but they all had a hard time listening.
After the boys would do a project we would hang it in our class room. Like proud teachers or something!
One week in every class we gave them Popsicles. They LOVED them. Class 3 above, and pre-unit below.
Snow, legit I think this was one of the boys favorite projects we did.
Music Madness is what we would call this.
Some times we had visitors come to class with us.
Making balloons with class 2
Music time. The last week of class we finally got enough instruments for each of the boys to have there own and make music. They loveeeddd it SO so much!
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