We started the day off with helping my mom get ready for a small little party at our house. Then at 2 headed out to The Calls house. This place was GREAT. They live up in the Saratoga/Los Gatos 'Hills' and you know...rich. Lets just say that. But The Calls are SO very nice. They open there house up to the YSA all of the time! They have a HUGE back yard. We set up a volleyball court and they provide us a pool, tree house, swings, a tennis court, bathrooms and lots of sitting room. The YSA provided LOTS of food and goodies.
Hana and I started off with swinging on the swing. It was home made hanging from a huge tree.
After Swimming we watched the boys do flips..and belly flops. Some were REALLY good.
After the party we headed home to have a good ol' California snow ball fight.
The after results. I had about 3 cups of flour poured on me. It was GREAT!
Then we ended the night watching fireworks in a dead grass field. I loved the fireworks. One of the best shows I have seen.
The 4th of July is my favorite holiday. I do not know why it is my favorite. It just always has been. I love the smell of barbecue and the fresh cut grass. The 4th is always a party celebrating freedom and happiness. Plus you get to spend it with friends and family.