So much has been going on. But nothing seems worth of a blog post. Sense being home from Kenya I cannot seem to sit still. Kenya has put this little travel bug in me. I work and get money then spend it all on a road trip, gas or even a plane ticket. I ask myself where all my money has gone? Then I realize that I have been to Utah and Idaho twice,
Got my ears priced for the first time in Utah
Megan graduated from College
Family reunion with my Grandpa and his brothers and one of his sisters
took a day trip to Wyoming with Megan and her roommates
I took a trip all over Southern California, Vince Beach, Agoura Hills, Hollywood blvd, down town LA, Santa Monica Pier, and Universal Studios
Linel took me on my first underground train ride
Yosemite trip with Rebecca, Julie and Emmanuel
the beach
San Francisco for my 22nd birthday
most recently I went to go visit my best friend Scott Oregon for a week and Washington...for about an hour but while in Oregon I went to Pendleton's 104th Round-UP.
In between all of this I was the Girls Camp photographer and my oldest sister Kerianna got married!

But, not that the summer hype is over..maybe it is time to settle down? I have still yet to figure out what I want to do with life. But I know that real school is not the answer for me! But Kaleigh, what are you going to do you ask? That is a great question! I have no idea. I need to get a new job, again. I could be a nanny, again, I really do love being with children, but for some reason I really do not want to do that. It is kind of like been there done that unless you live in Australia or pay me an arm and a leg I don't think I want to nanny. Then I think maybe I will go to cosmetology school? I hear I am good with hair and things like that, but if I did that I would want to be a barber. Or do Black peoples hair, like learn how to braid. That would be the coolest thing ever! haha I am so weird I know.
But then I start thinking and if I go to any school I would want it to be some type of photography school because that is really what I love to do! I could take pictures, edit pictures, or just look at pictures for like hours and hours every day. I just love it! How do I start though? Once upon a time I was told not to go to school for photography they take away your skill and make you universal in a way. So that is kind of scary. We will just have to see though.When I figure it out I will be sure to let all of you know!