Last week I was walking to the store. Walking the normal way I always do. Sure enough I found myself in a hole on the ground.
A couple days later I was walking through town and I slipped on a rotten mango trying to cross the street. (only in kenya)
That night while walking to the boys dorm to give one of the boys his medication I trip over the only log (of course) in my walking path.
The next night while making dinner I burnt my wrist with oil.
Then a couple days ago I was play with the boys on the marry-go-round. (I do not know what we call it in the US but it is this thing where the kids sit in it then you push it around. haha go figure) To get it going EXTRA super duper fast you run around in the middle holding the sides, well little known science fact if you get something going fast enough you get pulled to the edge of it. hens the nice little bruise on my leg.
All of this in a week and a half. Oh how excited I am to see what the rest of the trip brings.