Sunday, April 21, 2013

four hours

I have been home for four hours now. I miss Kenya like crazy. I mostly miss the boys at TCRC. I was living a life most people only dream of. But it was not a dream. It was real life...but, now it just feels like the last three and a half months have been a dream. I hate it. I think I am most scared that I will forget. This might sound dumb. But it is the truth.
I am scared I am going to forget why I love Kenya oh so very much. I am scared I am going to forget the boys laughs. What makes them happy. What makes them sad. What they love to do. What their struggles are. I am scared that I am going to forget the language. I am scared that some other LAME volunteer is going to come into the boys lives and they are going to fall in love with them and forget me. I am scared that one of them is going to get hurt and nobody will be there to give them a hug and tell them they will be okay. I am scared that Stephen is going to come into the the dorms at night again and beat the boys and Megan and I will not be there to protect them while the other runs to get the other staff members (go to megans blog to read that story) 
But, I have to remember that they did fine with out me there before and that they will do okay with out me there again. God be with you till we meet again!


Nights with the boys have always been my favorite. I think it will always be my favorite. Most nights they are allowed to watch the news or a movie for an hour before they get sent to bed. Those nights Me, Megan and a couple boys just sit outside by the water tank and talk about life, laugh, run around like crazy people, have the boys dance for us and just cuddle. I love it. The stars are so bright every single night. (we live in the middle of nowhere) We sit there and sing Yellow by Coldplay. I am pretty sure half the boys here know the lyrics, 
"look at the stars, 
look how they shine for you,
 and everything that you do"
I am pretty sure that this song was made for my boys. I would do anything for them. I want them to have every chance to I just have to figure out how to help show them what they are worth. 


Lately the power has been going out every single night due to the rains. (legit it has rained at least once a day for the last makes washing clothes and letting them air dry really hard) Because of this the boys have been sent straight to the dorms to play and what not. So Megan and I go and play with them or read books off of the Ipad, which they LOVE! 
(he is so photogenic)
The other night we decided to go into the dorm and play. No books off the Ipad that night. There is a boy here. His name is Tisa. he is about 14 years old. He has special needs. He really does not speak anything at all. I ask the boys what he is saying all the time and they say 'I do not know...He does not speak swihili' He knows how to say go over there, Megan, Kaleigh, and a couple other things. Anyways, the other night he was just laying on the ground..chilling and he did a backwards summer salt. It was the funniest thing ever. He jumped up and screamed he was so happy then did it over and over and over with the same reaction. We encoraged some of the boys to go over and do the summer salts with him because it was just so fun watching Tisa enjoy life so much.


Change is good..or so everyone always tells me. I personally HATE change. You can ask any one of my family members. I do not do good with change. I am not ready for this change that is going to happen. But there is nothing that I can do about it. It will happen wither I like it or not and I know that I already do not like it. 

Monday, April 1, 2013


This boy has stolen my heart. I do not even know it happened. He is always laughing and when he is not laughing you can find him yelling at someone to do something faster faster faster.
I really do not know how he was able to nuzzle his way into my heart. It is something I have been thinking of but cannot put my finger on it. He has always been there. But this year he has come around a lot more. 
I think it all started with...every time I saw him he just happened to have a sweet. He would take it then find a rock to break it up and give me half. Then at night he started to ALWAYS I mean always saves a seat right next to him.  It really happened just like that. We started talking more. I found out what he likes and does not like. He seems to really like it when our door is open. He comes in and tries to see how far he can get till we notice and tell him to get out of the house. His favorite spot is the shower or choo and when we walk back to wash our hands or to wash dishes he jumps out to scare us or  just starts to laugh.  Abram is always wild, loud, smiling, laughing and on the go. (he is also very accident prone...always has a new cut or gash somewhere)  Megan says he is the black 12 year old version of me. Which I am totally fine with. Babu says he is crazy all the time and I am just hyper all the time. Either way I cannot imagine my life with out him. Abram is always there to put a smile on my face or to tease me about some fake bogus lie that Megan told him. I love him more then ever and am so grateful I have been able to get to know him so well.