I would like to introduce you to some of my favorite people in the world! These three hold a very dear place in my heart and I would not be the same with out them!
I am going to take you back a couple months ago. One day as Megan and I were preparing to take our money to the manager to pay for our months rent. (Yes, staying in Kenya is not free and we do have to pay for everything out of pocket while we are there volunteering!) On the thirty second walk to the office, we started talking about our boys. Particularly her favorite boy, Egnation Opondo. This is a topic we spoke of very often! We were talking about what was going to happen to him after we left. He is one of the oldest boys at the center. He is not sponsored to go to school. He is not learning really at all due to the fact that his teacher moved 6 hours away. Megan said she had been praying on what to do.
That is when we walked into the office to meet with Winnie the manager of Thika Children's Rescue Center. Every time we go in there we always chat with her, she asks us how we are, if there is anything we need help with or anything they can do to help us with. Anyways, after a bit of talking she remembered that we would often go to another orphanage in Nairobi, about an hour away. She told us that TCRC is packed full of children, about 100 boys. Also the fact that TCRC is suppose to just be a home for the boys to go to until they find the boys parents or till they go to a real orphanage.
She then asked if we could ask our friends at
Eternal Hope if they would be willing to take some of our boys. Instantly my eyes almost began to water. This is the answer to Megan's prayers that she had been looking for. We told her that we would talk to, Oprah, the manager at that orphanage and get back to her.
Megan and I were just too excited to get out of that room to talk about all the possibilities and the what ifs! Who would we send? How many boys will they take? Who's lives are going to be changed forever? Who is going to be able to go to a real school? After talking to Oprah and Winnie we were able to finally get Oprah out to TCRC to "choose" the boys she felt would fit into her center. Winnie was hoping it would be some of the younger boys because we have an over flow of boys aging from 5-8. But she chose
Tony who is 9
Abraham who is 10
and Opondo who is 12
Can we really act surprised?
While we were there they were never able to get the boys to Eternal Hope due to a long list of reasons. But rumor has it that they should be there by January 2014. So many prayers have been answered. Most of the staff and children at Eternal Hope are members of the same
church that I belong to. This could end in so many possibilities that I cannot even explain how happy I am about. They could get baptized one day. They can go on missions. They have a better life. They have more freedoms. They are safe from nasty men. They can go to church weekly. They will eat better and healthier foods, and the list goes on and on.
Going to back to TCRC will not be the same with out them. Especially with out Abram. My I have so much love for him I don't even know where to store it.

He is like my right hand man when I am in Kenya. Always there. I remember the first year I went to Kenya and meet him. We were all sitting at the water in front of our house playing games, and coloring pictures. About half the boys were sick and being called to the office to get medication. I hop around the other side to tell the boys they need to listen and go and we can play later. That is when I remember meeting Abram. His poor sick self to tired to even move just sitting in the broken sink with tears rolling down his cheeks My heart melted right away. Where is his mom to give him the love that he needs? To make him soup? To keep in in bed until he gets better? I was stunned. Not knowing what to do and knowing the fact that I was not allowed to give these boys hugs or kisses I pulled him up and out of the sink and gave him a short in brace (shh) as he pushed me away (he hates hugs) and told him he needed to go get some medicine.
(If you would ever like to sponsor one of the boys to go to school, or help some of my
friends that also live in Thika let me know!!)