Sunday, January 27, 2013

Accident prone

Last week I was walking to the store. Walking the normal way I always do. Sure enough I found myself in a hole on the ground.  
A couple days later I was walking through town and I slipped on a rotten mango trying to cross the street. (only in kenya) 
That night while walking to the boys dorm to give one of the boys his medication I trip over the only log (of course) in my walking path. 

The next night while making dinner I burnt my wrist with oil. 
Then a couple days ago I was play with the boys on the marry-go-round. (I do not know what we call it in the US but it is this thing where the kids sit in it then you push it around. haha go figure) To get it going EXTRA super duper fast you run around in the middle holding the sides, well little known science fact if you get something going fast enough you get pulled to the edge of it. hens the nice little bruise on my leg. 
All of this in a week and a half. Oh how excited I am to see what the rest of the trip brings. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

This is Africa

I forgot my carry on in the airport. I put it down to grab the other bags and put them on the trolley as Megan exchanged our money. That night once we got to our house I realized it was not around. I called our taxi driver and asked him if we left it in the car. He stopped and was not there. The next day I called the airport asking them if they had found it. No they did not and really did not understand what I was talking about. Only thing left to do was go and look for it myself. So we call up our taxi driver John and we go back to the airport to find it. I go into the security office, they check me in and then go to baggage claim to ask for help. After talking to the guy and looking at all of the KSL 'yet to be picked up bags' it was no where to be found. The man helping me said I could look around so you know how your mom teaches you, look first where you last had it. So that I did and it was RIGHT THERE! Right under the stair case...2 days later right where I left it. The worker asked me do you believe in luck? because you sure a lucky one! It was a blessing that is for sure! Only in Africa.
As we were leaving the airport which is kind of in the middle of no where. Down this log road with a ton of pot holes in it, Juhn (john) our diver stopped the car right in an area that says "NO STOPPING ALLOWED" and opened his door and said look there is a giraffe. No freaking way. There is NO way there can be a giraffe just chilling right there (as in right there it was out in the distance). And yes there were. Not only one but three. Oh my. I died. A giraffe in the wild. Just chilling in the field by the airport, shoot we were not even out of the check point for the airport. Best thing ever. Only in Africa would this ever happen.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Let me tell you a story, FOR reals a BLESSING in my life! So today we went to visit the mormon orphanage. its like a good I don't know hour and a half away to 3 hours away depending on traffic, how many stops you make, how fast you walk, and if you can find where you need to be going...but they just moved from where they were to this new place (duh what else do you do when you move...anyways) and it is not easy to get to. we had to go all the way into Nairobi to find station OTC to get onto 1960 matatu (taxi) then to ask them to drop us off at Bee Center where the boys would pick us up for a 15-20 minute walk to the new center easy right? #1 Nairobi is bleeping HUGE #2 Nobody has time to stop and help...okay not really we are white and lets be honest everyone(males) LOVE to help the white girls. #3 we asked 2 people where OTC is...and we get way way different answers. This is where the blessing comes in. After we turn around from asking the second person where this station is BAM there is my friend Dan, just waiting for us to notice him and more then willing to go WAY WAY WAY out of his way to help us! For reals!(where we needed to go was WICKED far from where we were...there is NO way we would have ever found it with out him.) For sure the lord is watching out for Megan and I! The last 2 times we have been lost in Nairobi someone from church that we know has randomly bumped into us and helped us. Random? i think not. Needless to say we got to the orphanage safely thanks to Dan, Oscar and Gabby.