Monday, August 20, 2012

Los Angeles

So on Thursday my sister was talking to my mother and said "Well I guess I am going to La by myself, I have asked everyone and nobody wants to go." Then I turned to her and said "I like how you invited everyone else but ME."  So that is how I got to go to Los Angeles. 
The first night we got there we stayed with Kerianna's old semnary teacher from DC who just moved to Newport Beach, CA Oh my what a niceeee area he lives in. 7 minutes from the beach 4 minutes from the temple and 10 minutes from like the best ice cream shop EVER.
While we were visiting Keriannas seminary teacher he took us to the Newport Beach Temple. It was so so very pretty. 
So at 6am on saturday we woke up and drove to Redlands Temple where Keriannas friend got married
Then after we had a LOT of time to kill before the reception so an Elder in our ward is from LA. So I had him give me his moms number and Kerianna and I went to visit them but mostly to pick up a package for him cause it is his birthday coming up soon. They are a BLESSED family. 
His family just got a new couch so I took a picture on it sitting to rub it in his face. haha sucker
 This is Downtown LA I want to go back so badly and walk the streets. There was just not enough time and you have to have a local to take you around to all the 'cool' places.
Rachel (Kerianna's Comp from the mission) and Ben got married and they are the reason for this whole trip there wedding was fun. we meet a whole bunch of new friends that I doubt I will ever see again. haha
One thing LA is graffiti and it is PACKED with graffiti which I love. I am surprised I did not get into an accident looking at it while I was diving. This one I drove by twice and looks so awesome. But, you cannot tell from this picture. 
What the View looked like for most of the time I was driving. Freeway after freeway and TONS of cars
After the wedding reception Kerianna and I headed to her friend Mary and Jeff's house where we spent the night and then went to church with the next day. After church the elders came over and we had dinner and got sent on our way home picking up a friend in Fresno. It was a great trip and I am really very happy I went.

Monday, August 13, 2012


This month has already brought a lot of new firsts for me.
  • First ultra sound
  • First MRI
  • First time to drive to the San Francisco Airport
  • First time being SUPER SUPER sick with out my parents
  • First time getting multiple blood tests
  • First flat tire
  • First shutterfly book made and ordered (best thing ever!)
  • First traffic ticket
And last one...Its a long story. We were driving to get our parents from the airport and I turned a corner that you are not allowed to on a red light and got a ticket. Oh brother only in California. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

dolla dolla bill ya'll

SO as many of you know Megan and I are planning on going back to Kenya again in December. Last time we did everything was out of pocket and it is just really hard to do that. We are planning on getting lots of fun activities, books, and school supplies for the kids. We are just asking for something little. It does not have to be a lot. Here is the website. and just for an incentive you can just look at these cute faces :)


I feel like I have never been to the doctors so much in my whole life. So my eyes turned a shade of yellow. No good right? I am feeling good though if that makes a difference. So Dr. Ly is my doctors name he calls me all the time. I feel like we have become great friends! I went to him and he ordered me blood tests to see if my liver and gallbladder enzymes were high which they were. So then I went to get an ultra sound of my gallbladder and liver and they still cannot tell why my liver is acting up. They found out I have gall stones but are not to worried about it because my gallbladder is not inflamed or anything. But I am still going to get an MRI next week to check things out further. And I got more blood tests done today. So its just a waiting game.

Monday, August 6, 2012


Well these last couple of weeks I have just been filled with issues. Lets be honest. On a 1-10 scale and 1 being no pain and 10 being the most pain I would say I was around an 8. 10 is giving birth 9 is kidney stones and and 8 I figured was a good number to settle at.  For reals the worst physical pain I have like ever felt. Well you know after weeks (a little over three weeks) of being in pain and a lot of convincing I decided it was never going to go away and something might really be wrong with me, I called my Doctor and set up an appointment to see what was really wrong. He said I pulled, hurt, irritated, stained a back muscle. (I really do not remember that the doctor called it. But, it is all basically the same thing...I think) Then continued to say that there is nothing really that you could do about it. ARE YOU JOKING ME? I was a little up set when he said this. Actually a lot upset. A tear or 2 might have come out of my eyes when I told my mom (who is unforchantly on the other side of America) what  my doctor said. He told me to put a heating patch on it and try stretching it which it nearly impossible because it is the middle of my back and to take at least 600 mg of ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. Sounds simple enough right?
GUESS who is allergic to ibuprofen? ME. Guess who found that out the really hard way? ME. So now my stomach is TORN up. Lets be really very honest. I itch everywhere also. There is no visible hives but holy cow do I itch EVERYWHERE! Back to my stomach. Worst pain ever. I cannot laugh, breath, walk, stand, sit, lay, do basically anything with out being in pain. So I called my doctor again and he said to stop taking the meds which I already had done and he got me some muscle relaxers and told me to take Tylenol for my back pain and some other meds to flush out my system.
It has almost been 5 days sense my stomach started to hurt. Today is the first day that I have not slept almost all day long. But I am still keeping an eye on my fever, the color of my urine and stools, and where the pain is located. It has been a party. I would never wish this on anyone. One step at a time. We will see how I am doing tomorrow because one second I am good then the next I am not so good.