Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I have really been missing IT a lot lately. I know you all know what I am talking about. Is it odd that I want soup on a really hot day? When I lived in Kenya, on the hottest days we would make soup or have hot coco so that it did not feel so hot outside. 
Today I was looking at my friends pictures. She still lives in Kenya. She went back to visit the boys this past weekend. I do not think I have ever been so jealous. I can tell that the boys are gowning. Oh my. Just imagine how big they will be by the next time I see them. 
Tony is behind Jack, Austin is in front of Jack I am holding Harrison then you can see Opondo's eye.
I miss there laughs and hearing them say what class kesho? and KALEIGH, MEGAN, KALEIGH, MEGAN all day long. I miss hot days every day. (yes, it is getting warmer now, but its not hot every day yet, just hear and there.)  I miss Tony. I miss Phobian Big-E and Harrison. I might even miss the nasty men, they are SO funny. I miss my hair being braided. (I know I can get it done in America but it is not as cool.) I miss night time TV and hugs. I miss going to random orphanages. I miss walking up the hill with the elders just chatting about life. I miss Oscar, Gabby and Brian. I miss church there a LOT. But, most of all I really miss how much an adventure every day was. Everything was an adventure. Going to the bathroom was even an adventure with lizards or huge spiders coming out of no where. 
I am saving my money. (I am 1/3 saved) I am going to go back to Kenya, SURPRISE. December 26 is the goal date to leave. But we will see what really happens. The only 2 things I want to do different this year are, to go to the giraffe center for a longer time and to spend more time with the boys. 


  1. WEEEELLLL yes. i also want to go on a safari this time to. so i guess there is 3 things i want to do different.
