Sunday, April 1, 2012


Lets talk. Going to church we take a bus so it is about an hour ride there and like a 5-10 minute walk down the hill and around the corner to church. We are always a good hour and a half to two hours early for church because if there is a traffic jam who knows how long that would take. Plus we go to seminary with Gabby because he teaches at 12. (church starts at 1) On the way home it is like a 10-20 minute walk up the hill that some times feels like it is never going to end. Then an hour to hour and a half minute drive to Thika then catch another matatu to our house, which is like 15-30 minutes away.  Today on the way home from church we saw some laying in the middle of the road dead. WELCOME to Africa. I could tell you all I saw but I will save you. (for reals) I said a quick prayer in my heart for the family that is now in morning. Drivers here are CRAZY. (that might be like the biggest understatement of a life time) But other then that the day was REALLY good. (how can it not be good when some stranger tells you he thinks you are beautiful like 3 times) I have the BEST ward EVER. I am not excited to come home. I love it here in Kenya, but the best dreams always end way to fast.

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